Chow Sang Sang Precious Metals Laboratory Alchemist Workshop


130 F.2 students took part in the captioned workshop organized by our Integrated Science Department and Chow Sang Sang Precious Metals Laboratory on 20 June 2024. The workshop began with a short lecture conducted by professionals from Chow Sang Sang Precious Metals Laboratory, where students learnt the basic working principles of electrolysis and gold electroplating. Students were then given copper wires to make their own crafts to be gold plated. Next, instructed by the professionals, students were allowed to gain some hands-on experience to get their crafts and their favourite accessories gold plated. All students were amused by the workshop and found it very meaningful as they could really experience the real-life application of science and appreciate the beauty of chemistry.

Students attend the lecture about the basic working principles of electrolysis and gold electroplating.

Students make their own crafts with the copper wires given.

Students watch the demonstration of the whole gold electroplating process.

Students try to get their crafts gold plated.

Students try to get their favourite accessories gold plated.

Students successfully get their keys gold plated

Some students get their favourite accessories gold plated nicely.

All students enjoy the workshop so much and look forward to other science workshops.