F.1 Admission

Application for Form 1 Admission 2025 – 2026

2025– 2026 中一入學申請須知


Online Admission Application 網上入學申請

Admission Application Period: 18 November 2024 (Monday) – 24 December 2024 (Tuesday)
入學申請日期: 二零二四年十一月十八日(星期一)至 二零二四年十二月二十四日(星期二)

Please click here for online admission application during the admission application period


Open Day cum Form One Admission Talk 開放日暨中一入學講座

Date: 23 November 2024 (Saturday)
日期: 二零二四年十一月二十三日(星期六)

Open Day Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  
開放日時間: 上午九時正至下午四時正

Admission Talk Time: 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. (2 sessions)
入學講座時間: 上午十時正及下午二時三十分 (共兩場)

Venue: School Hall (2/F, Main Building)  
地點: 學校禮堂 (主大樓二樓)

Enrolment Period: from 1 November 2024 (Friday) onwards
入學講座報名日期: 由二零二四年十一月一日(星期五)開始

Reservation is required for admission talks. Enrolment closes immediately after the quota is full.

School Main Hall and designated classrooms with live broadcast will be open for admission talks. Visitors will take seats at School Main Hall first. Seating will be arranged on first-come-first-served basis.

Please click here for online enrolment during the enrolment period. Please make enrolment on our school web and do not enrol twice.


Form One Admission Criteria 2025 – 2026

2025 – 2026中一入學收生準則


The criteria for Form One Admission 2025 – 2026 are as follows:

2025 – 2026中一入學收生準則包括以下各項:


  • Academic performance in primary school 小學學術表現: 60%
  • Interview performance 面試表現*: 10%
  • Accomplishment in extra-curricular activities 課外活動表現: 15%
  • Conduct 操行: 15%

* In case of any sudden changes in EDB guidelines on mass programs, interview performance will be replaced by video recordings. If applicants fail to attend the interview, video recordings can be submitted before 18 January 2025 (Saturday) but 80% of the score for videos will be counted in the overall admission rank. 如教育局就大型活動之指引有所變更,面試將改為錄影短片。 如申請人未能參加面試,可於二零二五年一月十八日(星期六)或之前提交面試短片,80%的視頻分數將計入整體收生排名。

Should you have any enquires, you may contact our Form 1 Admission Committee 2025 – 2026.
如有問題,可致電聯絡2025 – 2026年度中一收生委員會。


School Achievements 2023 – 2024 & Form 1 Admission 2024 – 2025

With the continuous support of parents/guardians and the concerted effort of students and teachers, our public examination and JUPAS results as well as F1 intake were very impressive in the year of 2023 – 2024. Below are some highlights:

  • 2024 HKDSE and IELTS
  1. Our overall credit rate (Level 4 to 5**) was 1.5 times that of the Hong Kong average.
  2. 8 subjects had credit rates higher than those territory-wide by more than 60% and 3 subjects by more than 90%. 7 subjects had Level 5 to 5** rate higher than those territory-wide by more than 30%.
  3. Our credit rate (Level 4 to 5**) of English Language was 80.5%, which was higher than that territory-wide by 180%. The Level 5 to 5** rate of English language was higher than that territory-wide by 150%
  4. Over 98% of our students reached at least Band 6 and 73.3% of them attained Band 7 or above in IELTS. Half of our students attained between Band 7.5 and 8.5.


  • 2024 GCSE Chinese and 2023 GCE AS Chinese
  1. 100% of our Form 4 Non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students taking GCSE Chinese Examination obtained Level 7 – 9 (equivalent to A-A* in the previous grading system).
  2. 100% of our Form 6 NCS students taking GCE AS Chinese Examination obtained grade A.


  • 2024 International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)
  1. 63.2% of our students attained 40 points or above, with 4 students attaining the highest score of 44 and 3 students attaining 42.
  2. The average score of 39.4 is the highest in the school’s history.
  3. Almost 95% of our graduates received university degree offers. More than half of our graduates are entering university programmes at The University of Hong Kong (HKU), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) with 1 graduate being admitted to medical school and 1 graduate being admitted to HKU-UCL dual law degree program.  


  • JUPAS Results

Almost 77% of our graduates received local university degree offers, of which around 44% of them were admitted to HKU, CUHK and HKUST. Our graduates were admitted to Accounting and Finance, Engineering in Artificial Intelligence and many other popular programmes.


  • Form 1 Intake

Competing for 164 Form One places, the total number of applications reached almost 3,400. Almost all admitted students are from the most desirable banding in 6 consecutive years.


  • Non-academic achievements

Our students’ active participation in language, visual arts, music, sports matches, geography, scientific investigation, STEAM related competitions as well as gifted education programmes brought us over 560 local and international awards and recognition.


With the devotion and hard work of all teachers and students as well as parents’ support, we will continue to excel in the years to come.

If you are interested in applying for 2025 – 2026 Form 1 places, you may refer to the admission details above.

Should you have any enquiries, you may contact our Form 1 Admission Committee 2025 – 2026.


2023–2024年度學校成就 及 2024–2025年度中一收生



  • 2024香港中學文憑考試(HKDSE)及國際英語測試系統(IELTS)
  1. 學生平均取得4至5**級別成績高於全港1.5倍。
  2. 共有八科的優良率高於全港60%或以上,其中三科更高於全港超過90%,有七科的5至5**級別率高於全港超過30%。
  3. 英文科取得4至5**級別成績為80.5%,遠高於全港1.8倍,當中5至5**級別率高於全港1.5倍。
  4. 超過98%之應屆學生於國際英語測試系統(IELTS)取得第六級或以上水平,而其中七成學生達第七級或以上水平,愈半數學生取得第七點五及八點五級水平。


  • 2024 GCSE中文及2023 GCE AS中文考試
  1. 100%的中四非華語學生於GCSE中文考試中取得第七至九級成績(相等於過去A-A*等級)。
  2. 100%的中六非華語學生於GCE AS中文考試中取得A級成績。


  • 2024國際文憑大學預科課程(IBDP)
  1. 63.2%之學生考取40分或以上,共四位學生取得44分,為本學年最高分數,另三位學生則取得42分。
  2. 本學年之平均分39.4為歷史新高。
  3. 近95%修讀此課程之畢業生均取得大學學位。當中超過一半的畢業生取得香港大學、香港中文大學及香港科技大學學位,其中一位畢業生獲得醫學院取錄,另一位畢業生被香港大學-倫敦大學學院雙法學士學位課程錄取。


  • 大學聯招結果



  • 中一收生






如有興趣申請2025 – 2026年度中一學位,可參考以上的收生安排。

如有問題,可致電聯絡2025 – 2026年度中一收生委員會。